Our Pastor

Our Pastor Zelma Johnson strives to be our example of a Shepard, a Christ like and Christ minded leader, a virtuous woman — a woman who loves the Lord and will put her hand to the plow working in ministry and Leadership. Pastor Zelma´ humbly serves as our pastor teacher and a co -laborer in Christ. 

She ministers to 4 adult children (1 by birth 3 by adoption) and loves five precious grandchildren one adorable great granddaughter. The Lord has given her a passion for children, and she enjoys the extra special blessings of being a Motivational Speaker, Author, Teacher, Product Designer, Business Coach, Personal Coach, Children’s Advocate, as well as an Entrepreneur.

Pastor Zelma, is a native Californian born in Berkeley, CA,  Pastor Zelma accepted the Lord at an early age and enjoyed serving God’s people as a choir member, community choir member, children’s church teacher and Director, usher, Women’s Ministry Leader and teacher, Minister, former secretary to the late Dr J. Allen McBride and Church Administrator of the Holy Fellowship Outreach Ministries for twenty plus years and well as a Visionary.

Before Serving as Pastor of Holy Fellowship Outreach she served as The Churches First Lady after divorcing the former Pastor her desire and with God’s instructions she was determine that God had not planted this ministry to fail or permanently close its doors. After overcoming major health issues and fighting the call to be the Pastor she began with restoration of the ministries HYPE Helping Young People Excel, Destiny by Design, HTLC Hidden Treasures Learning Center and the continued Online presence of Holy Fellowship and Changing the Name to The Greater Holy Fellowship Outreach Ministries to reassure the public that newness and change for the better had come.

We have begun the Launching out new Ministries Ministry in Action TV, HYPE TV and Destiny by Design TV and 2 Live A Dream University. Pastor Zelma is dedicated to ministry, outreach and reaching of the lost.  She believes that in order to achieve this goal it takes unity of the body of Christ and households of faith working together collectively to accomplish this mission. The motto of Ministry in Action is “United we stand and divided we Fail”. If it were not for the mighty Men of God and Women of God with that compassionate, self-sacrificing, unconditional love for her in leadership and ministry she says, “I would not be here to serve in this capacity”.

Zelma continues to aim toward producing excellence in all the ministry opportunities as well as business ventures. She has a heart for people and is a committed prayer warrior. Her favorite scriptures are Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. and Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.