Ministry In Action
May 3, 2014
Word -Up Wednesday Bible Study
May 7, 2014
Don’t be with church occasionally. Don’t just make it when you feel like it. Be regular with church attendance or viewing make it our priority and let it be a good habit that becomes a part of who you are. Nothing does more for your spiritual health than regularly being in fellowship with a church. Being in a church service or viewership is irreplaceable. It is a moment in time and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. There will always be competition for your time and other things that you could do on Sundays. But these are five good reasons why you should regularly fellowship and or attend church. Since the Corona Virus we have been in virtual Church Service it has been a challenge, but we have survived it.  It has taken worship to another level and into a new era.  Worship service and being spiritually fed are essential for your well-practice whether in person or online get your spiritual food.

Sunday Worship Services

Our Sunday Worship Service takes place on Sundays at 11:15 AM. We don’t have a traditional time just because our goal is to reach the lost by any means necessary.

  • It is required of us to fellowship with one another.
  • It is a good and positive habit to have and or develop.
  • Regular attendance displays good character—discipline as well as setting a good example.
  • It is an essential part of spiritual growth.

1 Comment

  1. Mark says:

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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